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What is the minimum order quantity of the protective film?

The minimum wholesale order is from 500 kg of finished products, and if a film of primary raw materials is needed more than 150 cm in width - from 1000 kg.

For the customized position of the protective film, the minimum lot is 2 pallet of finished products.

In our warehouse there are also additional production stocks and you can buy any necessary quantity from one roller.

Delivery options are discussed individually.

Transparent protective film
Can I put a logo on the protective film?

Yes. We provide branding services for protective film. Printing on the rolling film is carried out in 4 colors (CMYK). The maximum width of the image is 150 cm.

All orders must be coordinated with our technologist. To avoid the appearance of "artifacts" when printing. The minimum order size must also be checked with the manager.

Transparent protective film
What color can I choose?

The film can be chosen in any color, but the final form will need to be agreed with the technologist.

Color coating can be done in one of three ways:

  • weak - makes it possible to examine the object through the film and only imposes a small color base on top of the product
  • average - the object will be visible on close examination
  • strong - the product under the film can not be seen at all. Usually a logo or a pattern of the customer company is applied to such a film.
Transparent protective film
Do you only deal with protective film for building materials?

No. We can also produce a special food film for example, milk bags or a special film for trays with chilled meat products.

This orders are discussed personally with the manager, and you can get more information about the terms of cooperation by calling us on the phone +7 (495) 727-33-77

Transparent protective film